Original story and directed by Sébastien Baccala
Written by Margaux Millon & Sébastien Baccala
Horror-Fantastic-Thriller / 121 min / 2:35 / Color / 2.1

Pitch: A group of filmmakers, made up of French cinema students and their American counterparts visiting Paris, comes upon a way to shoot the supernatural and invisible. Looking for glory and fame, they decide to go to all haunted locations of Paris and its surroundings and try to prove, through their cameras, that ghosts actually exist…

With: Adélie Saudreau, Jean-Christophe Portugal, Mavrick Dixon, Aurore Planas, Christophe De Coster, Holly Rose Clegg, Antoine Salagnon, Thomas Casey, Typhaine Tascher, Thomas Khawam, Sacha Fritschke, Quentin Wasteels…   

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